Monday, July 26, 2010


So after the swap ended for the I'm a blogger, follow me swap everyone was assigned 10 partners. We were to visit our partners blogs, read them, leave them a comment and follow them. For an added bonus we could write a blog post about our partners blogs. I mean isn't that what blogging all about *BIG SMILE* I was trying to give everyone a free idea for a blog post ( wonder how many took the idea and ran with it? )

The first blog I went to visit was A.M. Design. This is where I got the idea of taking pictures of items I see in thrift stores (good one huh?).  She's even decorated her home with items from thrift stores. She also displayed a 2-D design project that reminded me of the idea I had for my photo alphabet scavenger hunt. Wonder what I am talking about? Visit her blog and take a looksie.....Next there was Three turns to home in this blog you will find crafts, pictures and posts about her daily life. If you like fabric this is the blog for you she makes table runners, does embroidery, quilts and seems to do project after project.  That will be me one day:) Now I just seem to start sewing projects, unless they are small ones I can finish those. Ramblings from the animal house makes you seriously hungry!! She takes pictures of all of the lunches she take to work in her beautiful bento boxes. Get this she changes the accessories or little trays that goes inside of the box in all of the pictures. Can you tell I'm jealous? Yes, I want a bento box!!! Do you want to send me one??? Email me for my addy :) I'm just tryin... Anywho...she has made two commitments one trying to take her lunch everyday and two completing the 30 day journal challenge. I plan to look into this 30 day journal challenge, it's on a lot of blogs!! Birth of a Notion is where I went next. She loves to do mail art, decorate the mail she sends! You would be amazed at the things that are used to decorate envelopes and how cute these items look. Next was Welcome to the Life and Times of the Brown's, this documents the daily life of the Brown family including lots of pictures and videos. There are also a few crafts shared along the way :) Living in Dar was the next blog I visited. This blog comes from a family living in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania and they share what it's like. Living in Dar also has recipes, tons of pictures, and this great feature called Muffin Tin Monday (all of the food showed on Mondays looks great)! A little bit about SCRAPPINAUNTIE and my CRAZY WONDERFUL CAREFREE life! is where I headed next. There's lots of statements that kind of make you want to write one yourself to tell what you are thankful for. Then she mentions Geo Caching...I keep seeing this on blogs!!! I need to totally google this game or whatever it is, because it seems soo fun. Can you believe she has metals for this *She must be good* She also has pictures of her scrapbook pages. After scrolling through a few more posts I went over to Neomuyeppeo where she talks a lot about her favorite group SHINee and shares some of her art (she's really good). 3stairs was next, I have to say it's a busy one! There's the information from the tweets (a little birdie told me, lol), reviews, giveaways, actual articles, fill-in Fridays and a link to homeschooling resources. There is some good information if you take the time to read it all. Last was 365 day 365 Do It Yourself Projects (no money spent), here I found the milk carton wallet! I am going to make that wallet, blog all about it and post pictures I give my word!!! Besides crafts, we get to share the family's vacation, recipes, and pictures.

I hope you will go check out some of these fantastic blogs I have the honor of following. I would like to say Thank You to all of the followers I have gained through this swap and THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING MY SWAP!!!



  1. Thanks for the link! I appreciate it! :)

  2. Hi there, this is missanne from swap-bot posting my comment for said swap! I'd like to thank you for organizing it, and it's so wonderful to read how others have inspired you. I'm going to make a post similar to this myself, though sadly I just got out of hospital yesterday so I'm just trying to follow and post comments right now...typical eh? Anyway, love your blog!

  3. Thanks for posting about my blog, my comments everyday help me do my 365 day scrap album, as i can go back and look at the pictures and statements and create a yrs book :) Geocaching is fun do google as there are caches everywhere,

  4. This is truly a wonderful way in which to review each blog, and give insight of each blog. I'm glad I participated in this swap, and thank you again so very graciously for hosting this swap. It is a wonderful idea. Love from Ana Goncalves (from Swap-bot)

  5. Hi I'm TARAism rom swap-bot. Along with following you I'm featuring you in a blog post that will be publish shortly :D

  6. I just started my Blogger, but I am really finding a lot of awesome blogs on here, as well, thnaks to Swap-Bot! Thanks for joining my Blogger swap, as well! This is Sheri (aka Sherifaerie) following you now! xoxox.

  7. it was a great swap and thanks for putting it up!!! :)

  8. hiya its glendas from swap bot and quiet happy to follow your lovely blog and maybe learn something new from you,.love Glenda

  9. Thanks for putting the swap together. Was a lot of fun.

  10. It is amazing, have just discovered you are indeed my partner for this beautiful exchange! Yippeee. Also have mentioned each partner and their link on their blog. Good way to promote other's blogs and bring in new visitors. Love from Ana Goncalves on Swap Bot.

  11. Its BeverlyBling from Swap-bot visiting. I'm not one of your partners but it doesn't matter. Thanks for organising the swap. I'm getting to visit quite different swaps to what I usually do and its very interesting - including yours. Thanks. :)

  12. Hi Joni.
    Whew - I've done all my swap research. You and my other 9 swappers on featured on today's post:
    Hope you enjoy!
    -M for Short

  13. Wow did your swap get tons of participants!!!!! What an awesome turnout indeed, great job!!! I'm angeldiva on swapbot and I'm a member of your swap as well as your swap partner :D

    I'm following you now (I just love how creepy that sounds every time I say it LOL) and I look forward to your next swap of this kind! <3

  14. I love your post!!! What a great idea! I just finish my birthday celebrations and I guess it is time to do some "maintenance" on my blog!

  15. hey, I love your post about all the new blogs. Sadly, we did not meet but maybe next time. is my personal blog. is my etsy blog.

    Great swap. Thanks you!

    Uniqueeuphoria on swapbot

  16. Wolfeagle says: Thank you for joining my Blog Me, Baby swap. Did you write your copyright info or is it a gadget? I have had several coupon trains in the past, let me know when you have a new one starting. Take caRE.

  17. hiya, it's mimitabby from swapbot.. stopping by..

  18. I'm sad I missed this swap! I'm from Swap-Bot, but from the Blog Me Baby swap.

    JessterRoux @ Swap-Bot, Blog Me Baby swap

  19. Wow! You must've been really excited about the Follow Me swap! LOL ;)

    ~ANKH (pumpkinniki on SB)

  20. Here again ... but this time from the "Blog Me Baby" Swap ;)

    (rumblegirl on SB)

  21. I think this post was a great idea and a little different than just commenting.

    -Zefaniya(swapbot-blog me baby swap)

  22. I just had to check out 365 That woman is a genius!!! One of those moments where you smack your head and go "Doh! Why didn't I think of that?!" Thanks for sharing!

    Dani aka Doodlebabe
    Blog Me Baby swap

  23. I'm enjoying finding new peeps through Swapbot, too--great idea to do a post about it (I've now seen a bunch!) I think I'm now addicted to the site.

    (thehappyhoneybee on SB)

  24. It was indeed a great swap! I was happy to blog some of my parterns' blogs too.

    RJcanuck @ SB, via the Blog Me, Baby swap

  25. Hi there :)

    Likewise, I'm a new addict on swap-bot and I've to say... so far, I'm loving it! I like how you actually devote some time to introduce your readers to other great blogs. I've joined a couple of blog swaps and most of the time, it feels great to discover another blog with good content and pictures. :)

    Happy blogging and swapping!

    thewhimsicalworld @ swap-bot
    blog me, baby

  26. Hey there! Birdylove here from swap-bot! You have a really nice blog! (:

    (Blog Me Baby Swap)

  27. It was truly a great swap I really appreciate it :D


    (Blog Me Baby Swap)

  28. Hi! Great blog! This is homekeepingheather from swap-bot, now following. I am partnered with you in the Blog Me Baby swap. :)

  29. I tagged you for the Sugar Doll Blog Award at:

  30. Love your blog. Yes, I'm from "I'm a Blogger, Follow Me!!!" Swap on Swap-bot, and I'm excited about your blog. You're so positive and fun.

    I can tell you that Geocaching is CATCHY!!! Once you start you'll love it. My daughter and I just stared it. WEEEE!

    Have a great weekend...from your newest stalker...I mean follower :D Dee aka NikonGoddess

  31. Hi!! This is angeldiva from swapbot and I'm in this swap too, I came by to check out your blog, comment on it and follow it, I could have sworn I already clicked on the follow you link the other day but for some reason all the people I tried to follow disappeared from my list from the other day so I'm adding everyone again now!! Hopefully it sticks this time ;)

    Thanks for organizing the cool swap and that's amazing how well the swap did, awesome job to you!!!! :D
