Friday, May 14, 2010

My Awesome Mother's Day!!!

Well, last Sunday was Mother's Day :) I woke up full of excitement. son started Head Start in August. I'm still so proud of him! Anywho, I picked him up on Thursday (there was no school on Friday) and was handed an arm load of stuff & told Happy Mother's Day by the teacher's and remaining kids in the class. I am always one of the first parents. I hate fighting to get out of the parking lot...ugh(smh...crazy look)! Mrs. James, My son's lead teacher, instructed me not to open or peek at my gifts until Sunday! I really had no intentions of waiting. In fact, I thought I would really open them as soon as I got home. LOL....I know where's the fun in that. Idk...I never get any presents for holidays anyway. I never really get more than a card from family members, getting a gift was exciting for me!!
I was babysitting my little cousin that day, so her and my son wanted to go outside and play. That took my mind off of the gifts. I took my son, Ke-lo (nickname given by my little cousin Mahogany a.k.a. Hoggy) I took him inside to change into some play clothes. While inside I manage to hide the gifts although he was asking for them repeatedly. He wanted to show them to me I told him we had to wait until Sunday because that was Mother's Day. So I had to hide them up high with him asking for his toys he made for Mother's! I did not realize he watched me put the gifts up. Saturday I walked by and wanted oh so badly to open the nicely wrapped box with the pretty little ribbon tied around it. But I didn't, I said to myself "Why do it now? You only have one more day to go." Then Sunday morning came.....Mother's Day and the LONG wait was over!!!!
After eating breakfast and a quick clean up, my son walked to the closet, pointed to the top shelf and said open that. I laughed. That's when I realized that he watched me hide the! Good thing he had no way of getting up that high, there is no doubt in my mind he would have tried to get them down! I pulled everything down and read the card first. I think my little man was more excited about showing me the items he made for me than I was to see them :)

I love this card. Ok yes, I opened and looked at this when I picked him up on Thursday. I wondered why he only wrote his first name (Kelin) when he can write his first and last. He told me those other markings and letters says Happy Mother's! Thanks Boo......Great job for a 3 yr old!!!
(I know wrong date on my!)
Then after I  read my card and admired my MOM wall or door hanging first picture! I tore into my box....WOW! Is what I was thinking. My son was so into telling me how they made each item. They always let them decorate the boxes. They colored the construction paper and glued paper cutouts on the boxes they used for Valentine's day. Some of you are probably thinking this woman needs to get a life but I am a first time mom. So I get very excited about all of the little things. My mother still has items I made for her when I was in elementary school. I just know I am gonna have items from my son I'm scrapbooking already and he's not even in grade school! Besides, I don't really care what you think this is MY BLOG....BAHAHAHAHAH!!!! So you can stop reading if you wanna I'm about to keep rambling on..... A hand print....priceless!  Everything came with a sweet note. This is the items that was inside the box. A good bit in my opinion. My sister said it was a lot. My nephew is in the second grade and they did not even make cards for their moms. I thought my nephew might have just lost it so I called a friend that has a son in his class, she was in just as much disbelief as my sister. They didn't make anything!!
A whatnot, Dishtowel, and hand lotion.  The teapot and teacup were wonderfully colored! A paper teapot with a teabag & note :) and paper tea cup with a teabag.

Oh I love my son! He made this Mother's Day the most special one so far!!! I know there will be many many more. Moments like this let's me know that those 29 hours were oh so worth it......ALL :)'S!!!!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Finally Started My Coupon Train Group :)

I have been thinking about starting a coupon train for over a yr. Well, I finally did it! Wednesday night I was searching the net trying to find a few trains to join. I am in one & I get lots of coupons, but I could always use more! Some sites said you had to join & complete so many swaps before boarding the train. Can you believe one site said you had to complete 100, like O~M~G! Well, I am already on a couple of swap sites and I swap in my Yahoo groups too. I figured I could find a group on Yahoo instead & just join a train. There were so many that were inactive, but they had hundreds of members. I just figured I would create my own :) So now MY LEDGEND OF THE COUPON EXPRESS will begin. I even have a couple of friends to add. Hopefully, the first round will start next wk w/o any problems! I am always looking for new members so feel free to leave me a message @ JMCOUPONTRAIN@YMAIL.COM. Want to join  my group visit . I have added some links and messages on how to get free coupons, sites to be added to manufacter's mailing lists, a site for store policies for using online coupons & more. I plan to add more info as I find it. We don't have a ton of memebers yet, it's only been running for a few days. But I know within a few months there will be a full house. So go on and pass the word on about The Coupon Express! I also plan to create a group for my Recipe Train. If you are interested in joining my recipe train you may send me a message @ JONISRECIPETRAIN@YAHOO.COM .

I hope to add you soon :)


The Link To My Group Coupon Express Click Here To Join:

My Recipe & Coupon Trains And How I Run Them!

I figured I would write a post to let those interested know what recipe & coupon trains are and how I run my trains :) I do my trains a little differently than most people. I give each rider a partner & they send them a envelope of recipes or coupons weekly. This way everyone receives a package every week (just contact me if you don't). To me this way is more fun & you get more coupons :) Usually Names & Addresses are listed on a roaster in the order the train will go. The conductor places a certain amount of coupons & the roaster in an envelope & mails it to Person 1. Person 1 then takes out all they like & replaces them w/ the same # they took out. Then mails it to person 2. This continues until the train reaches home, the riders also take out any expired coupons along the way. Problem is sometimes the trains does not make it back home. Getting coupons in the mail every week builds up your supply fast. The best part is you will get coupons you would have no knowledge of, due to the fact they never print in your area. That is really what interested me in trains the most. Different coupons print in different areas. But you do get a lot of the same ones you already have. Having multiple coupons are good for stockpiling & stacking! I assure you that all you need to get started is just 1 cooking magazine or 1 Sunday Paper worth of inserts!!! That is a Guarantee. After all you will be receiving a swap every week and the items you are not interested in you can use to send to your partner.


For the recipe train you will send 15 - 20 recipes to your partner weekly by snailmail. You may send more but please check to ensure correct postage. The recipes you send can be handwritten, printed, recipe cards, cutout doesn't matter as long as they are legible & of good quality. Please do not send torn or worn recipes. I receive plenty of cooking magazines. I have tons of recipes left over once I cut out the ones I want (just an idea). U can also pick up recipe cards and recipe booklets from supermarkets, or cut recipes out of newspapers & sales papers. Remember you can always pass on recipes that you are not interested in. Be sure to tape all four sides of your envelope with strong tape.



For the coupon train you will pick a minimum of 30 coupons you are willing to pass on to someone else - Sender’s choice. Although you may receive a wishlist with your partners info. it's just to help find coupons they are in search of. The coupons must be for brands that are available across the nation, not local things that won't work somewhere else. Printed coupons are ok as long as they are of good quality and does not make up the bulk of your swap. Internet coupons should be legible and say "Manufacturer Coupon." There should be a valid remit address for the manufacturer and a scannable bar code. Use more Manufacturer's coupons than printed!! Use coupons from the Sunday paper, magazines, blinkies, mailers, etc. These may be extras you have or the ones that you would usually throw away. Make sure that the coupons you send are not expired and the bar codes are in tact. Don't worry if you receive coupons that you can't use in your swap save them & pass them along to someone else. Be sure to tape all four sides of your envelope with strong tape.

TO JOIN SEND AN EMAIL TO: JMCOUPONTRAIN@YMAIL.COM type Recipe Train for the subject.


What I will need from you is your mailing address, email you would like to use, and if you have a Coupon Wishlist (items you buy on a regular basis or are in search of) & Recipe Wishlist (type of foods or recipes your in search of) you may include these wishlists also. They may help you receive more of the items that you want & need. I hope to add you to one (if not both) of my train(s)! If interested just send your info. to the appropriate email above :)

Hope to add you soon.......
